General Barbershop
![]() Heart Of America - Wiki: The Barbershop Wiki Project entry for the Heart Of America Chorus contains an ever-expanding history of our chapter. |
![]() Barbershop Harmony Society: |
![]() Central States District: |
Local Choruses
Central Standard: Central Standard is a culturally diverse and inclusive a cappella ensemble for lower voices that embodies the spirit of camaraderie. |
Cody Choraliers: A growing group of men from the Leavenworth area who enjoy performing a cappella music. |
Kansas City Chorus of Sweet Adelines: Kansas City Chorus is a women's four-part harmony a cappella ensemble and the oldest active chapter in the Sweet Adelines organization. |
Trails West Chorus: Trails West Chorus is the largest Men's Chorus in Johnson County, Kansas, who sing a capella men's choral and barbershop pieces and are a recognized chorus of the Barbershop Harmony Society. |
Vocal Standard: A vibrant group of women committed to excellence in 4-part a cappella music with special focus in the barbershop style, comprised of women of all ages who love nothing more than spreading the joy of harmony. |