24th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular
"Holiday Traditions"
Presented by:
Kansas City Chorus of Sweet Adelines International &
Heart of America Barbershop Chorus
With Special AIC Guest Quartet: "Main Street Quartet"
Saturday December 3rd 2022
2:00 P.M.
Unity Chapel at Unity Village
1901 NW Blue Pkwy
Unity Village, MO 64065
"Holiday Traditions"
Presented by:
Kansas City Chorus of Sweet Adelines International &
Heart of America Barbershop Chorus
With Special AIC Guest Quartet: "Main Street Quartet"
Saturday December 3rd 2022
2:00 P.M.
Unity Chapel at Unity Village
1901 NW Blue Pkwy
Unity Village, MO 64065
To Order tickets Cash/Check:
Email address: holidayspectacular@mycci.net
or call: 816-945-9671
***Note--Only 4 seats remaing Front Center Orchesta - very first row.
Plenty of good seating in left and right orchestra and rear orchestra.***
****NOTE: All Sales after today 11/26 will be in WILL CALL****
To purchase with credit card, click: “Here"
**NOTICE** You are not able to pick the row or seat(s), just the area you would like to sit in. Once the credit card is approved you will be contacted via email or phone to verify seats. If you have any questions, please email at address above or call 816.945.9671. If no answer, leave message and will be returned your call as soon as possible. Thanks!
To print out the 2022 AD Sponsorship Form, click: "Here"
To print out the 2022 Holiday Flyer, click: "Here"
Assumption of risk for the holiday show.
While the Heart of America Chorus and the Kansas City Chorus (the performing groups) have established health and safety precautions for our performers and guests, an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 still exists in any public space where people are presesnt. Covid-19 is a contagious disease that can lead to illness and possible death. According to the federal Center for Disease Control, senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By performing in or attending a presentation or event of the performing groups, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Covid-19. We thank you for helping keep each other safe and healthy.